Trabalho para uma empresa internacional , que adquiriu viaturas iguais par atoda a Europa, e estou neste momento a iniciar o processo de legalização de uma Pick Up Chevy Silverado com matricula inglesa. Tenho ficha técnica , registo UK mas não foi preciso COC para país nenhum Europeu, e não existe COC para o modelo em questão, será possivel ajudar-me sff.
pretendo comprar 1 carro na alemanha mas tenho algumas duvidas.
1- nao posso comprar em meu nome mas quero comprar em nome da minha mae.
2 – queria conduzir o carro ate portugal mas nao sei se posso se ele estiver em nome dela, ou se posso conduzir com uma declaração ou procuracao, ou se posso conduzir nos outros paises e n posso entrar com ele em portugal. O seguro temporario deve ser feito para quem o conduz ou proprietario, e esse seguro é no pais da compra q faço?
3- se eu nao puder conduzir tenho mesmo de o enviar por reboque?
agradecia q me esclaressessem essas duvidas
Hello! Since you’re reading this message then you just proved that ads posted through feedback forms like yours works! We can send your ad to people via their feedback form on their website. The advantage of this type of promotion is that messages sent through contact forms are inherently whitelisted. This dramatically improves the chances that your ad will be read. No PPC costs! Pay a one time fee and reach millions of people. To get more info please reply to:
Looking for powerful advertising that has no per click costs and will get you new customers fast? I apologize for sending you this message on your contact form but actually that was kinda the point. We can send your ad text to websites via their contact forms just like you’re getting this note right now. You can target by keyword or just go with mass blasts to websites in the country of your choice. So let’s say you want to blast an ad to all the interior decorators in the USA, we’ll grab websites for just those and post your promo to them. Providing you’re advertising a product or service that’s relevant to that type of business then you’ll get an amazing response!
Greetings, I was just checking out your site and filled out your contact form. The “contact us” page on your site sends you these messages to your email account which is why you are reading my message right now right? That’s half the battle with any type of online ad, getting people to actually READ your message and this is exactly what you’re doing now! If you have an ad message you would like to promote to millions of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or anywhere in the world let me know, I can even focus on your required niches and my prices are very reasonable. Shoot me an email here:
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Carros Importados
Blog sobre carros importados e como o fazer em segurança.
Boa tarde,
Trabalho para uma empresa internacional , que adquiriu viaturas iguais par atoda a Europa, e estou neste momento a iniciar o processo de legalização de uma Pick Up Chevy Silverado com matricula inglesa. Tenho ficha técnica , registo UK mas não foi preciso COC para país nenhum Europeu, e não existe COC para o modelo em questão, será possivel ajudar-me sff.
Nuno mendes
Bom trabalho
pretendo comprar 1 carro na alemanha mas tenho algumas duvidas.
1- nao posso comprar em meu nome mas quero comprar em nome da minha mae.
2 – queria conduzir o carro ate portugal mas nao sei se posso se ele estiver em nome dela, ou se posso conduzir com uma declaração ou procuracao, ou se posso conduzir nos outros paises e n posso entrar com ele em portugal. O seguro temporario deve ser feito para quem o conduz ou proprietario, e esse seguro é no pais da compra q faço?
3- se eu nao puder conduzir tenho mesmo de o enviar por reboque?
agradecia q me esclaressessem essas duvidas
esse blog e muito bem pesquisado pelos os usuário que tem interesse em saber sobre importação e exportação muito bom
Hello! Since you’re reading this message then you just proved that ads posted through feedback forms like yours works! We can send your ad to people via their feedback form on their website. The advantage of this type of promotion is that messages sent through contact forms are inherently whitelisted. This dramatically improves the chances that your ad will be read. No PPC costs! Pay a one time fee and reach millions of people. To get more info please reply to:
Looking for powerful advertising that has no per click costs and will get you new customers fast? I apologize for sending you this message on your contact form but actually that was kinda the point. We can send your ad text to websites via their contact forms just like you’re getting this note right now. You can target by keyword or just go with mass blasts to websites in the country of your choice. So let’s say you want to blast an ad to all the interior decorators in the USA, we’ll grab websites for just those and post your promo to them. Providing you’re advertising a product or service that’s relevant to that type of business then you’ll get an amazing response!
Send a reply to to find out more info and pricing
Greetings, I was just checking out your site and filled out your contact form. The “contact us” page on your site sends you these messages to your email account which is why you are reading my message right now right? That’s half the battle with any type of online ad, getting people to actually READ your message and this is exactly what you’re doing now! If you have an ad message you would like to promote to millions of websites via their contact forms in the U.S. or anywhere in the world let me know, I can even focus on your required niches and my prices are very reasonable. Shoot me an email here: